Trilogy of the Infinite

Your Personal Beyond - Discourse on the Infinite - The Writing of the God


From the language of cats to the secret language of the Gods, from personal growth to metaphysical literature, in the Trilogy of the Infinite, Igor Sibaldi, with wise irony, takes us on a journey to discover what awaits us when we decide to step beyond the horizon of our ordinary minds and expose ourselves to the Infinite.

  • Collana Oltremondo
  • Giugno 2024
  • Pagine: 174

From the language of cats to the secret language of the Gods, from personal growth to metaphysical literature, in the Trilogy of the Infinite, Igor Sibaldi, with wise irony, takes us on a journey to discover what awaits us when we decide to step beyond the horizon of our ordinary minds and expose ourselves to the Infinite. And the Infinite is an intelligence accessible to all, revealing unknown and fertile scenarios. In a moment of great evolutionary change, where many will lag behind and others will discover unprecedented talents, the Trilogy of the Infinite guides us to overcome the limits we have inherited and resist the temptation to let the world underestimate us. It serves as a map for thought, a manual of knowledge to find inspiration everywhere and take action. As Sibaldi writes, “Why does a person fail? Simply because they dare not know what they lack. Why don’t they dare? Because they fear disobedience and discovering that everything in the world is more docile than they believe.”

Igor Sibaldi, of Russian origin, is a writer, philologist, director, and scholar of philosophy of mind, Kabbalah, and Christian heresies. Among his major successes are “The Invisible Teachers,” “The Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge,” “Book of Angels,” “The Book of Creation,” the novels “Eternal Love,” and “Russia Does Not Exist.” Since 1997, he has delivered thousands of conferences in Italy, Switzerland, and Latin America.

ISBN 979-1281798991
TITOLOTrilogy of the Infinite
SOTTOTITOLOYour Personal Beyond - Discourse on the Infinite - The Writing of the God
COPERTINAFabrizio Crollari